Information found on this page:
When and Where
- August 23, Friday, 6:00-7:00 pm
- August 24, Saturday, 9:00-10:00 am
Where: St. John's Lutheran Church, 1617 E. Emerson St, Bloomington, IL
- Enter the door on the west side of the building, near the playground.
Cast Needs:
- Soloists
- Adult performers
- College performers
- High School performers
- Elementary and Jr. High (K-8) performers
- Dancers (High School and Adult)
- Father/Daughter (Girls 5-7 years old)
Audition Forms Due by August 23, midnight
- Have the following ready before filling out the form:
- Required:
- Current picture of you
- Conflict dates - a tentative rehearsal schedule is below.
- Optional: If you absolutely cannot make either of the audition times, you have the option of sending a video.
(Due Friday, August 23, midnight)
- Adult Audition Form
- Minor (under age 18) Audition Form
- Please have the audition form filled out no later than Friday, August 23, midnight
- For child safety, all parents of minors (under 18) are required to help supervise at least once during each: rehearsals, tech week, and a performance.
- To help defray the cost of the production, there will be a $40 participation fee. Family rate: $65 for 2, $85 for 3 or more. Scholarships are available on a need basis.
Audition Preparation
- Prepare a song (Holiday song is preferred, but pick the best song for your voice. Jingle Bells is an acceptable audition song.). If a Christmas song, your song could be considered for the show when appropriate.
- A recording of the accompaniment must be supplied
- Best if the song is memorized.
- No acapella singing
- Plan to sing one verse or excerpt of a longer song.
- Directors will likely cut long audition pieces after 16-24 measures, so it's advised
to pick the portion of a longer song that best highlights your voice.
- No pop songs
- Those not comfortable singing a solo may audition in small groups singing "Jingle Bells"
Mandatory Cast Meeting (& Parents of minors) - TBA
If you are cast in the show (or are the parent of a minor who is cast),
you are required to attend an all cast meeting:
Tentative Rehearsal Schedule
- Below is a tentative schedule of rehearsal and show dates.
- Please use these dates to mark on the audition form dates you will not be able to be at.
- Sunday rehearsals will start at 3:00 pm
- October Saturdays may be extra rehearsals for jr high/sr high groups if needed.
- Other dates may be added as needed.
- Shows are December 7 & 8

Typical Time Commitment
- This is based on a past schedule. There may need to be some major revisions due to rehearsal space availability. Please check back for any major announcements about rehearsals.
- We make every attempt to plan the schedule to maximize the use of
everyone's time at rehearsal. Please note that any published schedule is tentative
and subject to change. Please get into the habit of checking the schedule often.
- mid-September through mid-November
- Vocals: Weekly rehearsals for 1-2 hours on Sunday afternoons.
- Dance: Weekly rehearsals for 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours. Nights of
rehearsal are chosen to accommodate as many as possible.
- mid-October through mid-November
- Actors:
- Weekly rehearsals for 1-3 hours
- Not everyone will be required at all rehearsals. It
will be determined by the scenes your role is involved in.
- Extras probably not needed until mid-November.
- Thanksgiving Week
- No rehearsals Wed-Sat around Thanksgiving
- Daily (evenings during the week, afternoons on weekends)
- For these blocking rehearsals, it is very important for everyone to be
present for your call times. These are the rehearsals where placement on the
stage, entrances, and exits are determined.
- Every attempt is made to schedule these to minimize the time of your attendance.
Scenes with most of the cast are scheduled together. We try to
schedule the children for every other night and to get them out of rehearsal by 9:00 pm.
- Starting the Sunday before the Show (Tech Week)
- Rehearsals at Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts
- Everyone required. We attempt to be done with the children as
early as possible.
- 2 Shows
- All the hard work produces a great show for our community!
- Strike immediately after the last show for all adult cast members